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We'll collaborate with you to identify and compile the packages of marketing tactics that best fulfill the needs of your organization’s specific industry focus, as well as those that address the different sized businesses that your members manage. This is important because the marketing tactics required by an organization of plumbing contractors will differ significantly from those best suited to an organization of medical professionals.  Likewise, within your industry vertical, the marketing needs of a sole proprietor will differ from those of a mid-size business.



Once your member engages with our consultants, they receive a custom marketing plan based on their initial conversations. From there, specific marketing packages are identified and approved by the member, the package is purchased and ordered, and the consultant manages the entire fulfillment process, putting each member in the role of simply approving or adjusting the work created. After the work is approved and launched, your expert follows up with results and insights. It’s that convenient. And it’s that easy.

easy. effective. fun.


What else could you want from a business tool to help get where you need to go?


Ad Giants is your new partner right in the palm of your hand, ready to assist you with just a simple text or call.

Request a meeting with Ad Giants.

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10670 N. Central Expwy., Suite 470 | Dallas, Texas 75231  (844) 573-3400

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